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Friday, April 15, 2016

how to afford to be a stay at home mom

Through out the years I have had so many people ask me the question "how can you afford to be a stay at home mother?" Well, although my wonderful husband has a terrific job and support our family on him own, it is accentual for a stay at home mother to make her own money at home.
The number one job of a stay at home mother is the house itself. Have a routine each day in order to have a tidy and well balanced home.

Here is a link to my blog with a great cleaning schedule for busy moms.

 Although, trust me I have had my off days where things fall apart.

Here are 8 different ideas you can do to earn money or save money while staying at home.

1. Child care provider - throughout the years as a stay at home mother I have opened my home to other children and earned income by doing so. The best way to find a great family in search of someone to watch their children or child while they go to work is is a place where you as a care provider can create a profile for yourself and apply for child care positions around your area.
Possibly income up to $300 a week depending on hours and how many children you take in

2. Host Exchange Students- My family and I have been hosting exchange students for about 4 years now. This is something that may or may not work for your family. First either your child has to share a bedroom with the student or like our family we have a guest room and a bonus room. It is a great culture experience for your children. We have hosted Brazilian, Japanese and Chinese. Note: the highest paying students are the Asians. Basically how it work is a exchange student comes from their country at the beginning of the school year which is usually August. You are responsible to provide a bed, dresser and a place for them to study either their own desk or your dinning room table. Also what I call "a open fridge policy" meaning they are allow to eat anything and you must provide three meals a day (most students however prefer to buy their own lunch a school).

You are also responsible to get them to and from school. I have always found someone to carpool with especially if the school is far.

During the weekends the student can either attend your normal weekend activity's or do their own thing. The student then leave at the end of the school year which is either the end of May or beginning of June.

Possible income up to $800 per month and per student.

3.Photography-  If you have an interest in photography this is the income for you. I bought my first dslr camera when I found out I was pregnant with my first born so that I may take profession looking photos of his childhood. However, I found quickly that I have a huge talent and interest in photography. I now have my own small business. Tips: purchase a second hand camera and practice with it on your own children, do research, maybe even take a photography course. However, with photography comes great technology and computer skills as well.

Possible incomes- Varys on the amount of photo shoots. each month could be different depending on how much you charge per session or event.

4. Selling/ buying Second Hand items- One of my favorite things to do is sell my things I no longer need or our family no longer needs. I am defiantly not a pack rat. The minute I start to realize that something is not being used or we not longer need it, I'm GETTING RID OF IT. Which means I'm selling it. There are some great way to sell your things now. I advise you NOT to use Craig's list. Way to scary in my opinion.
Here's a couple of ideas.

1. Facebook- Every area is different. But wherever you are living you can type in the search bar groups that sells things. For instance, I live in Victorville California which if you have heard of
it, its the desert which otherwise known as the "high desert" Therefore, our group page is called "High Desert Deal" Once you join the group you can post the items you are selling and someone can purchase it from you. You can also purchase things as well.

2 Offer up or Let go -I personally like offer up. This is an app like I was explaining above that you can buy and sell your items. My favorite part of this app is you never ever have to give out any personal information. You can stickily talk through the application. If you are familiar with Instagram this app is very similar. You can just scroll through all the pictures of the items, if you come across a item you are interested in you can let the selling know you would like to purchase and you then discuss where to meet. You can also sell your items as well.

3.Thrift Story's- Some people may think that this is really weird. I receive most of my kids clothes from friends and family member. I've maybe bought a couple things from my children. Also goodwill or thrift shops, keep in mind you can get really lucky some trips and find tons of things or walk in and find nothing. I have personally bought all of us clothes in great condition. Some items still have tags on them!
Ive gotten American eagle, Lucky Jeans, I've even purchased  my husband slacks and full suits. By second hand purchases allows more budget to purchase other things or use that money you would have spend at target on everyone's clothes and go on vacation. Win! Win!

5. Blogging- Although I am a blogger, I have not made an money off blogging YET! that is. The ways you can make money is by having company's place advertising on your page. Ill let you know when I get that far.
Possible income up to $1,000 a month

6.Tutoring- If you have the patience for this, you can tutor children. Also by using the app called

7. Couponing- My aunt has been trying to get me into couponing for years, but I just haven't found the time to sit now and learn how it all works. There are lots of websites you can go to and research how to become a couponing family.

I too have so much to learn through this adventure as a stay at home mother but these are some great idea on how I can afford it.

I hope this blog helped maybe some other mothers who are thinking about becoming a stay at home mother.

If you have another other ideas of possible income, please feel free to comment.

Tell next time friend,


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Back at it again with the blogs....

Hello my dear Friends and Followers,

Its been quit some times since I have sat down and decided to blog. A lot has changed in my life since the last time I checked in. Good things you say? I think yes.
Well first I would like to introduce two new members to our family. 

My Daughter,  Harper Brielle Bizardi. Currently 10 months old and the love of my life. She was born May 14th, 2015 and has been the princess of the family ever since.

Secondly, our other princess, Cinderella Bizardi. Currently 7 months old. We got her a couple of months after Harper was born and she fits right in with our family.

Also Ayden is now 5 and Carter is 4 years old. Wow right!

I also went through most of 2015 working. Which was a dumb idea because I know just as well we everyone else, I am good at being a homemaker.

Now I'm back on the game and loving the homemaker life again.

Now that I have you some what caught up, I have some great blog ideas in mind so stay tuned for those.

If you aren't already please follow me on my social media's I will link all of them below including my photography pages.

Until next time friend,


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Monday, April 29, 2013

Morning Person

Hello Friends, 

I haven't blogged in over two months and quit frankly it feels like a year. I started school again this semester which has taken up 90% of my time besides mommy and wife duties. 

Over the past few weeks I have realized that I am not a morning person. I've tried everything from going to bed early, taking vitamins, but nothing seems to work. I really want to be one of those moms that wake up in a great mood and start making beds and breakfast. But it just seems to be the complete opposite  I wake up because I have to and then I hate even getting dressed. HELP! Is there anything that you guys do to help with this? I work out almost every night for an hour and on saturdays I go to the gym in the morning. Usually by 11:00 is when my body actually wants to do things that I should have done first thing in the morning. 

I hope ya"ll are having a great monday, let me know if ya"ll have any advise. 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dollar Tree Organizing

I went to the dollar tree the other day and found some great organizing products. One of my favorite mom blogged had mentioned that you can get kitchen drawer liners at the dollar tree. I couldn't believe it, so I had to check it out for myself. The minute I went in there, I went straight to the organizing section and I was hooked!

The drawer liners are AMAZING! I put one in every drawer in my kitchen. It came in a roll of 5ft x 12 in. So you have to cut it to the length and size of your drawer. 

You can also use them in your cabinets to keep everything in place and it makes things look more neat anyways

The liner's grip onto everything so you always know where everything is at!

Another awesome product I found was these drawer organizers, they came in either small or large size and you can even clip them together

So you can use these drawer organizers for your socks or you pens/office supplies. Just about anything and they work great! 

 I also found these wire racks they had them in different types and sizes, but they work perfect in your cabinets or pantry for extra space for your plates and bowls. Or to help with the canned goods.

 This on is a teared shelf.

So you truly can get organized without having to go out and buy all those expensive organizing products. Its cheap and easy at the dollar tree. 

Until next time friends,

Happy organizing 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cleaning schedule for busy and working moms

I just recently created a new cleaning schedule for myself and I wanted to try it out for a couple of weeks before I share it will you all.

This schedule really works for us busy moms, especially moms who work. I designed the schedule that I am about to share with you specifically for working moms.

By the time you get home from work your tired and all you want to do is relax with your kids. You don't want to have to come home to a sink full of dishes or a bathroom that hasn't been cleaned. Then you tell yourself "eu i'll just do it over the weekend"

But in reality weekends are for relaxing not cleaning after a hard week at work. 

Cleaning Calendar



Make Beds
Empty Dishwasher
Put in one load of laundry


Fold Laundry and Put Away
Load Dishwasher
Sweep Kitchen Floor
Chore of the Day

Chore of the Day

Monday                                   Clean Bathrooms
Tuesday                                   Dust                           
Wednesday                             Vacuum
Thursday                                 Mop Floors
Friday                                      FREE
Saturday                                  Swing Day/Catch-up Day
Sunday                                    FREE

Swing Day

1st Week                      Clean oven, microwave and fridge
2nd Week                     Wipe down walls, baseboards and floors
3rd week                       Clean inside windows and blinds
4th week                       Wipe down cabinets

The schedule is pretty self explanatory  It really worked for me, try it out and let me know if it worked for you.

Happy cleaning


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Christmas re cap 2012

I'm finally getting around to my Christmas re cap and I just finished putting together our Christmas eve and day video.

This was Carter's first christmas, and it really felt like our family was complete. Ayden actually understood what was going on and he could tear his own present open.

This christmas was very exciting for my husband and I as well because it is our second christmas in our home. Both mine and my husbands family lives about 10 minutes away, therefore we really like to share our time with both sides.

 Every christmas eve during the day I love to make homemade cookies with the kids. Now that they are growing up they will always remember this tradition.
Baking Cookies on Christmas eve

We also have made it a tradition to go to church with my parents and brothers. Then afterwards we go to my parents house for christmas eve dinner and all the kids get to open one present. The fire is going, usually all the kids are in their pj's and slippers getting anxious to see what santa brought them.

 As soon as the night ends and the kids are getting sleepy, we leave my parents house and go home to place out cookies and milk for santa. oh and don't forget carrots for the reindeer!
Ayden wanted to eat all the cookies too. He offered mommy & daddy some

Then I read a christmas story to the kids, remind them that they have to go to bed in order for santa to come. Sometimes we like to reminisce of past Christmas's with pictures on my computer, which makes the christmas spirit really shine. 

Mommy reading Ayden his christmas story before bed. 

Once the kids are really asleep my husband and I put together their gift from "santa" and place them under the tree along side the other gift from family and friends. 

Aydens present on the left. Carter's on the right.

The next morning I usually wake up early to turn on all the christmas lights in the house and put a pot of coffee on, then go upstairs and anxiously await for the kids to wake up. (I think I might be more excited than there will ever be haha)

When they do I remind them that "its christmas and let's go see what santa brought".
Here is our christmas eve/day video.

Once all our presents our open and the huges and kisses have gone around, I start making a beautiful christmas breakfast. We all gather around the dinner room table for breakfast and share about what we got for christmas. 

After cleaning up from breakfast we get ready for my husbands family to come over for christmas dinner and share more gifts. 

We had an an awesome christmas this year and we hope you and your family did too. 

Here more December month pictures 

Until next year...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stages and Ages

29 months

Sometimes I found myself sitting down googling or reading other mothers blogs asking "when will it get easier."
When will the crying stop, when will the screaming stop, and when will the 4 o'clock in the morning stomping into our room screaming dinosaurs ever stop?
Then I stop guessing myself and think, one thing might stop but another stage and age with continue and I will be right back where I am now googling or asking other mothers when something will stop!
New stages bring on new challenges.

The part where it's 
noticeably easier

He lets me brush his teeth without a fight.
He understands what it means to wait while I'm getting ready.
He entertains himself.
He won't go out the door without shoes.
He'll go get me a diaper and wipes for carter.
He'll go get underwear on every Morning and put his pull up in the trash.
He'll smile for pictures until I start taking to many.
He tells me Jesus is in is heart.
He will let me know what show he wants to watch or if he wants me to turn on music.
He loves to help cook.
His favorite part of going potty is flushing and he has to pull up his underwear and pants by himself.
We started going to restaurants and grocery store again.
He will tell me when he is tired, hungry or thirsty.
He knows how to work my iPhone sometimes better than I do.
Nap times are on schedule.


Stores with toys.
He is having dreams about mean dinosaurs and running in our room at 4 'o'clock in the morning and refuses to go back in his own room at that point.
Nose picking in public
toes nail picking
Sharing means were declaring war.
He still follows me around the entire house.
He wants any toy carter is playing with at the moment.
He wants to play outside all day long and when it is time to come in, it's a tear storm.
He wants milk sometimes instead of eating lunch or dinner.


He hates being dirty.
He mocks things daddy and I say including bad words and he won't let us forget by telling us "daddy that's a bad word."
He will not get in the car unless he knows the car is off. Because if its on and he is not in the car. "It's danga"(danger")
Tells me everyday while putting on his backpack that he loves me and that he is going to school, then "bye mom"
His favorite things are toy story, sweets, daddy and anything to do with wheels.
He gets a busted lip just about once a month from playing so hard.