My Blog List

Monday, April 29, 2013

Morning Person

Hello Friends, 

I haven't blogged in over two months and quit frankly it feels like a year. I started school again this semester which has taken up 90% of my time besides mommy and wife duties. 

Over the past few weeks I have realized that I am not a morning person. I've tried everything from going to bed early, taking vitamins, but nothing seems to work. I really want to be one of those moms that wake up in a great mood and start making beds and breakfast. But it just seems to be the complete opposite  I wake up because I have to and then I hate even getting dressed. HELP! Is there anything that you guys do to help with this? I work out almost every night for an hour and on saturdays I go to the gym in the morning. Usually by 11:00 is when my body actually wants to do things that I should have done first thing in the morning. 

I hope ya"ll are having a great monday, let me know if ya"ll have any advise. 
